Adding your Child to an Activity
The arrival and dismissal defaults for all students will be set to their own family’s carpool. If your child will be joining an activity such as extended care, or sports practice, please indicate this through SchoolPass.
NOTE: If you have enrolled your child into an after school enrichment class, the school will automatically add your child to those classes within SchoolPass.
1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.
Click on the Activity button.
2. Click "Choose Activity" and select the activity your child will be attending, then press "Continue".
3. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be joining the activity.
(Note: if your child will be joining the activity on a weekly basis, switch the view to Recurring)
Click on Choose date.
NOTE: If your student is joining various activities per week and/or you have multiple students at Trinity joining activities, you will need to repeat steps 2 and 3 for each activity/student.